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[2013-02-28 10:57] Zainal:

Saudara, tautan ini bisa di share on FB gak, kalau bisa gmn caranya

[2013-03-14 10:27] Fb w bm black jy:

Hr ni kok ga bs donlod ya
Apa lg ada perbaikan

[2014-04-04 22:49] 6dP9cZqSIAQP:

The reinterview idea seems like a good one. You have to have tried tarnicg your ancestry to understand the importance of getting yourself counted in the Census every ten years, whatever you have to do. Hopefully, you are fortunate enough to have had ancestors who participated in their Census, so that you are able to research your family tree effectively. Otherwise, your job will be more difficult. Think of your descendants and how they may in the future attempt to research your family tree.

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